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Upcoming Programs & Events

The Business Hour
Tuesday, Mar 25 8:00am
Erev Shabbat Services
Friday, Mar 28 7:00pm
Intro to Judaism Class
Tuesday, Apr 1 7:00pm
Erev Shabbat Services
Friday, Apr 4 7:00pm
Haftarah Study
Shabbat, Apr 5 9:30am

Candle Lighting

Friday, Mar 28, 6:53pm


Motzei Shabbat, Mar 29, 8:02pm
View Calendar


Welcome to Temple Beth Hillel

We are a Reform Jewish community of faith, education, and friendship for all ages and stages of life. Our schools, youth programs, religious and fraternal activities all contribute to our reputation as a place where you and your family can put down roots and grow together with strength and love.

Our membership is made up of Jews, non-Jews, interfaith families, and Jews-by-choice of all ages, backgrounds, and sexual orientations. We are committed to healing the world (the Jewish precept of tikkun olam). Our programs emphasize the vital work that God calls us to do on behalf of peace and justice for all our fellow beings.

Our services are lively, warm gatherings of friends, with joyful, spiritual music, meaningful study and a friendly Oneg Shabbat afterward.

Your first visit may be to observe a holiday, celebrate a wedding or bar mitzvah, remember a loved one, or rekindle your personal relationship with your faith. But you will soon find yourself engaged in friendly conversation and marking your calendar for a return visit.

We look forward to greeting you at our services, celebrations, and events. Like thousands of others over the past 70 years, you will find new friends and a spiritual home at Temple Beth Hillel.

This Week at TBH

Upcoming events this week of March
Tue 25
The Business Hour
Wed 26
Thu 27
Weekly Torah Study Class (Zoom)
In the Jewish community, Torah is read on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. We invite everyone who is interested to Torah Text study with Rabbis Hronsky and Stein Thursdays at 9:30am. No previous study experience necessary. Join us via zoom with password: torah ,
Fri 28
Candle Lighting
Erev Shabbat Services
Sat 29
Parashat P'kudei
Sun 30
Mon 31


Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785